
We give not because we must, but because we can.

Each one of us is able to give at different levels and in a variety of ways.

Consider the balance you can strike between your personal needs and sharing your gifts with Christ’s Church in the world. Take an inventory of where your money goes. Ask yourself: does my giving reflect my values?

There is an ever-present challenge to live into our values through the spiritual practice of giving. We constantly hear messages of scarcity in our lives.

Advertisers tease us with what we do not have. Perhaps God is asking us to see the abundance that we have and is challenging us to see where we can share more.

Committing to gifts that make a difference

Everyone engaged in the life of Second Baptist Church is encouraged to complete a commitment card for sharing the resources needed to fund our 2022 ministry budget.  We have a secure way of sharing your giving plan through an online form available below.  If you complete the online form this information goes directly (and only) to Patti Calvert, our Church Financial Administrator.

Commitment cards can also be completed and returned to the locked box outside the church office or sent in via the mail.

No matter the method you choose, please make sure to participate!  Our gifts, given together, make a difference in the mission and ministry priorities of Second Baptist Church in our community and beyond!

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