What to Expect

A website can’t tell the full story of any church so we hope you’ll come be our guest in the future.
In the meantime, we’ll try and answer a few typical questions.
What do I wear for worship?
At Second, we’re a mixed bag. Some people wear suits and dresses while others wear golf or flannel shirts. We even have occasions where everyone is encouraged to wear t-shirts. Our emphasis in worship is more about who we are and how God welcomes us than what we wear. Our ministerial staff will be in professional dress most Sundays.
Where do I go when I arrive?
Our main parking lot is in the front of the church facing Walnut Grove Road. Guest parking is available and the church office and sanctuary are accessible through the three sets of glass doors. On Sundays, greeters are present to answer questions and direct you.
What will worship be like?
Worship at Second is traditional but intentional. You can expect elements like hymns sung from the hymnal accompanied by piano and organ, scripture readings, a choir anthem, prayers, moments for reflection, and sermon. Every aspect of worship is intended to invite the congregation toward the God who is worthy of worship. Click here to watch our service.
Our Baptist church
We know. Baptist churches come in all shapes, sizes and theological stripes so it can be difficult to know if you’ll be walking into a church that preaches fire and brimstone or one that speaks out against social injustices … or both. Well, at Second, we don’t fit the stereotypes. Our youth play cards on their mission trips, two of our members are professional dancers and some of our members pay homage to the legend that it was a Baptist preacher who invented Bourbon whiskey. Simply put, we are a moderate Baptist church that hopes to create enough theological space where people don’t have to agree on everything in order to worship and serve together.
And if I’m not Baptist?
You’ll not be alone. We have many at Second who were raised or have previously attended churches of different denominations. Second Baptist is often a nice “middle ground” for folks from different church traditions.
When are your services and studies?
Sunday morning classes for all ages begin at 9:00 a.m. followed by worship at 10:30 a.m. Church choir rehearsal begins at 5:00 p.m.
What is available for my children?
Our Family Ministry partners with parents to help create space for God to shape the spiritual lives of children and youth. This includes weekly classes where young people can read and learn from scripture, opportunities to serve and practice their faith, and special activities throughout the year to build community and grow in faith.
Learn more about our Family Ministry.