The Labyrinth
“Stand at the crossroads, and look. Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies. Then walk in it and find rest for your souls.”
Jeremiah 6:16
How to “walk” a labyrinth?
There really is no right or wrong way to participate in this ancient practice.
The most important aspect of walking the labyrinth is being open to the whispers and gentle movements of God’s Spirit.

Prepare for the experience by breathing deeply and clearing your mind of worries, distractions and tension.
Remember God’s presence here.

Walk the labyrinth, releasing troubles and opening your heart to words, feelings, thoughts, and hopes that may
enter. Move at a relaxed pace.

The center of the labyrinth is a space for prayer and meditation. Sit or stand, lingering as long as you like, listening and sharing with God.

Walking away from the center is a time to absorb all you have heard or felt, to celebrate time spent with God, to appreciate the final moments of peace and to prepare for a return to everyday life.
Other suggestions for how to use the labyrinth:
1. Ask God a question and listen for an answer.
2. Pray for yourself on the way in, stop to experience God’s love in the center, and pray for others on the way out. (or reverse order)
3. As you walk, recite the Lord’s Prayer, a familiar scripture, a Christian creed, doxology or hymn lyrics.

What is a Labyrinth?
The Christian life is often described as a pilgrimage or journey with God. Labyrinths, some dating back as far as the 11th century, are a model or metaphor for this journey of faith; a journey that draws us closer to God which, in turn, propels us to love our neighbor.
A labyrinth is a simply tool to help quiet the mind and aid in communicating and contemplating God. As one moves toward the center, the world and distractions are left behind, allowing the person to focus on God. The path, is a single, winding route that leads inward toward the ultimate goal, God’s presence, only to lead us outward again.
History of the Labyrinth at Second Baptist
In December of 2005, Spence and Becky Wilson’s children (Lauren Young, Webb Wilson, Spence Wilson, Jr., and Rebecca Macsovits) gave a labyrinth to Second Baptist Church as a unique gift to honor their parents. Local artist and Second Baptist member Kerry Smith created the bronze casting of the red-tailed hawk mounted on a cross near the entrance of the labyrinth. This artwork is a tribute to the Wilsons’ love of nature, the abundant array of wildlife present throughout our church property – including red-tailed hawks who often perch on our steeple – and the wonderful gift of experiencing the presence of God in creation.
The Labyrinth at Second Baptist is located on the northwest section of the property near the Christian Family Life Center. The closest entrance is via N Perkins Road.